About Living in Jakarta

Living in Jakarta was inspired by Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates. So here we're talking about them, not about us...

It is a good —no, actually it is the best resource we have ever found— for any foreigner to get information about living in Indonesia. We wish Government of Jakarta have a website with similar approach like Living in Indonesia, to serve its citizens.

Established since 1997 by the Expat Web Site Association. They compiled information from many sources, taking care to be reliable, accurate and up dated daily.
There are extensive information, cleverly organized, about anything you need. From the momment you plan to live in Indonesia this website would be able to guide you on the right track. Procedures, services, housing, and many others explained in a very clear and easy-to-understand way. They said the writers are seasoned veterans in Indonesia and endeavor to provide as wide a view on each subject as possible.

Living in Indonesia also have thousands essential tips and stories about living in Indonesia. If any expat need anything, or having any problem, just visit the site. Didn’t find the answer or solution? There is Expat Forum where you can post the problem and get respons from the member of community.

Newcomers to Jakarta will not worry very much, they will be assisted by people who have experienced the same problem and will understand any question even the silly one.
Just have in mind when reading the opinions and commentary, they have stressed that it does not make any recommendation upon which you can rely without further personal consideration.

So what Living in Jakarta will do if Living in Indonesia already have all information?
You'll find out by browsing us. Of course it takes time to recognize our character. Hope you'll like Living in Jakarta.